Archive for ‘April 14th, 2014’

Some things done and some Spring

Saturday it snowed.

I worked on my taxes.

Sunday morning started at 21F!

I finished my taxes!!!

And it was sunny and it did not snow.

Monday, today, started at 25, but warmed to 57F.


Mostly, courtesy of my neighbors, the firewood area is looking a bit neat. They needed a bit of firewood to finish the year and I needed to get some firewood…some that might have rotted had it gone through another summer…gone!


I did do a bit of cleanup and I need to do some shuffling/re-stacking also. Every year I say…a couple of 15 minute sessions every day…in the yard…would be good for me and for the yard and the woods, etc.

So, again.

THREE 15 minute sessions most days is my goal! Good exercise, good breaks in my day and a little work every day gets things done.

Let’s do it!

A not so beautiful sight…Wild Thing’s windshield did NOT survive the Winter, even with my tarp…


I knew it had to be done but I had hoped for another year.

Some things done and some Spring.

***I have my alarm set for 1:30 a.m. I very much HOPE that skies are clear. If it is not hopelessly cloudy (forecast is for an approaching front), Bear and I will go to the “Road Home” spot and see if we can see AND photograph the Lunar eclipse. The timing is so perfect. With moonrise at just after 8 p.m., the eclipse at 2:00 a.m. should be straight overhead…I hope, I hope!