Archive for ‘November 23rd, 2014’

Sunday in Provo

It was a day!

Daily bread.

Cranberry Jalapeno Salsa … upper left. And I used some of the remaining red pepper, jalapeno and apple in a cabbage slaw.

After the morning’s baking/food prep, Bear and I headed for a walk path I saw yesterday. It looked like the path headed to a spot to see Utah Lake.


The road and the path are asphalt. It rained a LOT yesterday and went just below freezing overnight. I live in Montana. I know about black ice. I SHOULD have known.

No problem with the Jeep, but I unloaded Bear, had my camera around my neck and then went striding off to the path…and promptly was flat on my back on the asphalt. I took inventory before getting up. Meanwhile, Bear did a “Bambi” sprawl. We both recovered and got to our feet.

My camera…the UV filter saved the lens…more on that later.

We made our way carefully to the walk path which was dry.

We walked to a spot where the lake was visible and then the path got icy so we turned around.

The scene of the fall…

Back to the motorhome and I took some Advil as a precautionary measure, but I feel fine.

On we go.

I hope Auggie is doing some of my work.

The camera.

The UV filter ($20) is history. I was able to get a replacement, BUT…I cannot get the damaged filter off the lens. The filter was probably slightly dented and it will just not undo. I’ll take it to the shop when I get home. Meanwhile, I have a different lens on the camera and all is well.

Better news…the Cranberry Jalapeno Salsa was excellent and much enjoyed as I watched some Sunday football.

Sunday in Provo.

***My current “plan” is to roll north at 8:00 a.m. tomorrow morning. If all goes well and I feel up to it, I’ll try for Dillon, MT for tomorrow. It will be a longish day but I’ve had 2 days rest and am ready to be back in Montana.