Archive for ‘April 14th, 2015’

Taking a break

In addition to a full work schedule there have been some snafus that required me to run about town MUCH more than normal and finally after a very early start this morning, I hit the wall midafternoon. All was mostly resolved, work mostly on track, it was cold and rainy…

…so followed Bear’s example…

And took a nap!

I feel much better.

Tomorrow is a new day so onward we go.

Also, re Bear: it is 3 weeks since our trip to the internist. Based on my reading (holistic veterinary sites), I changed Bear to a high protein/low carb diet and also added a Chinese herb blend: Si Miao San (Four Marvels). He started seeming more comfortable the first week and it continues. The main thing I’d noticed was that he often seemed too warm, to the point of panting. He sought cool spots on the floor instead of his usual spot in the chairs or on the bed. That has mostly gone away and I can just see in his eyes that he feels better. YEA!