Archive for ‘July 21st, 2015’

Champagne Grapes

This is a bit of a teaser post, but there is a reason(s)…my work load is fuller than full and Champagne Grapes are available for a very short time!

I have some uses for them to share…but not the time to make all I’d like and photograph and etc., etc. …

Champagne grapes are tiny, very sweet, seedless grapes. I like them with almonds and lemon juice and butter cooked down as a fish or chicken topper. I have a new recipe to try for a rosemary-garlic-grape focaccia.

I found these at my grocery last week. In the past, I’ve only found them in a HUGE container at Costco. I was thrilled to find the smaller container…BUT thinking about ice cream made with these…maybe I DO need the large container.

Anyway. These are not grapes that are used to make Champagne. I’m not sure why the name. One source said maybe because they were like champagne bubbles ??? Whatever, they are a treat and a very seasonal treat and if you see some … BUY them!! It is fun to try new things and I’ll have some of my uses in a post ASAP.

And if none of my stuff appeals, they are good to just eat … Champagne Grapes – YUM!