A better day

After last night’s 3:00 a.m. “quick piddle outing” ….OMG a skunk in the front yard! (Thankfully, due to a short lead on Bear, and porch light on, the skunk spritzed a wee bit of its perfume – in the excitement – with none hitting us) ….

We still managed a good and early start to Monday work day.

I started fading late morning, but a 15 minute after lunch nap revived and I had my work day in by 5:00 p.m. ON…THE…DOT!

Bear was ready for an afternoon outing and out we went.

It was so very quiet…5:11 p.m.

I guess too early for the off at 5 crowd to be getting home.

Clouds building over the mountains to the east.

So. VERY. Quiet.


I sat and was thankful for the day and the peace and quiet of that time.

A better day.