We like cool.

Morning’s have been beautiful.

Emphasis on “have been” – above photo is from Tuesday morning (7/8).

There are fires to our west and THIS morning there was haze and smoke.

And it is hot.

Well, it feels very hot to me, but the truth is, the highest temperature per my house gauges has been 90F. And while that is hot, there were several years, including my first summer in this house, when we had weeks of mid to upper 90’s. And 80’s felt good after those 90’s.

I keep telling myself that it could be much worse. Actually, it might get hotter per NOAA.

The good news is that the yellow jacket situation is mostly not a situation at the moment. The woods is not buzzy, the front porch is usable. The chairs on Beardog Point are useable.

There are some skeeters when Bear and I take our last walk 9-10 p.m.-ish but otherwise, not much intrusive in the bug and flying thing realm.

It is hot, though.

And it kind of zaps all of us of energy.

We like cool.