Lunchtime walk

Bear and I have been walking at a wonderful venue: Coller Wildlife Area. There are three entrances several miles from home base with miles of not bad road to walk or Jeep or 4 wheel, but we park the Jeep and walk along the Rio Grande.

5 Responses to “Lunchtime walk”

  1. Steph in Oregon

    What a nice hiking area–looks like the weather is crisp.
    Beautiful scenery!

  2. Liz

    Steph, It has been nearly 60 during the day and just below freezing overnight. It feels more like Spring than early November! Bear and I are both hot by the time we get back to the Jeep. Not just the temp, but we are at 8100 feet altitude here so the sun feels hot!

  3. Mike neighbor

    I didn’t know we could comment on your posts. COOL! It’s blowin’ & snowin’ here and temp is about 25. Don’t you miss it? :)

  4. Margaret

    What a beautiful place and such clear water. It’s unseasonably warm here 16C right now and sunny!

  5. Liz

    Mike, I confess that I AM enjoying the mild/warm temperatures and not really missing what looks like sloppy weather, but I imagine I might get my comeuppance on the way back :) !!

    Margaret, I hope you are getting some nice weather to make up for your cool, rainy summer. It is a beautiful area and we have had it to ourselves, even over the weekend.

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