Morning is prime time in my world

Monday we broke a record, heat-wise – the 1948 record of 89 fell to our high of 94. Tuesday we tied a 95F record from 1918.

But mornings are beautiful and cool.

This morning at 6:30 walking in the woods…

57F – wonderful!

Even though it was 95 yesterday (Tuesday), it cooled faster than Monday night and today we only hit 87F – still hot in my book but much more comfortable.

Still hot in Auggie’s book also and he was in and stretched out in the cool sunroom before noon.

Bear stuck even closer to the A/C and was in much earlier.

Mornings are definitely prime time in my world!

3 Responses to “Morning is prime time in my world”

  1. Margaret

    There it’s hot and here it’s cold. When I got up this morning at 6.45 it was 16C which is 60F and foggy. I have never known it so cold in June…

  2. Liz


    As you know, I’d happily trade weather with you! In the 21 plus years, I’ve lived in Montana, I have never known it so HOT in June!

  3. Margaret

    Well, you know me, I love hot weather. It’s supposed to be 34C next week but they’ve said that before. It’s 15C right now.

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