The turkey is in the oven…

Yep, Turkey in July!

A kind of perfect storm of circumstances:

  • the chuck roast on sale that I intended to get for my Sunday dinner was sold out.
  • my favorite brand of turkey was on sale at a near Thanksgiving day price.
  • the weather was forecast to be very cool.

And homemade rolls!

It took a day to thaw the bird and then my Monday work schedule got hectic, but this morning, after a Monday that didn’t break 60F…that bird went in the oven at 6:00 a.m. It should be done by 9-9:30 and then into the frig. I’ll deal with carving, etc. at lunch time and my turkey dinner will be a “heat up” when the time is right and I can enjoy. AND, I will have lots of leftovers in the freezer!

Proof of the cool morning: long pants and Auggie on my lap.

4 Responses to “The turkey is in the oven…”

  1. Margaret

    I can’t imagine eating turkey now. It is forecast to be 37C this week. Auggie has such amazing fur – do you brush him? And he looks very big sitting there!

  2. Charles Curran

    Looks like the ankle is back to normal ?

  3. Liz

    Margaret, Auggie doesn’t get mats or tangles in his fur. It can look all “rough” and then he shakes and it lies down like silk. I did start brushing him when he was a kitten thinking that I would need to as he got older and so wanted him to be ok with the brush. He loves the brush so I do now brush him sometimes and this time of year he comes in with all kinds of tiny seed pods in his fur. I brush those out before bedtime! He is so long and then when he curls a bit with that long hair he looks really big. He has maintained his 10 pound weight and I always think he feels a bit thin, but maybe that is having been used to Mr. Bob!

    Yep, the ankle and toes have no swelling.

    Thanks, Kathy – glad you got a shot of cool also!

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