T.G.I.F. !!!

Another VERY smoky day, but it is Friday!

A good work week.

A good week with Bear and Auggie…

…Auggie has been coming in 2:00 p.m ish and I’ve been keeping him in. He has mostly not protested. Mornings are less smoky, but by afternoon – YIKES. And today, as I’m writing this at 5:00, it looks like dusk. I’m happy that we are all inside.

Lunchtime: a brief outing with Mr. Bear. He didn’t want to stay out very long which was fine by me.

Friday night pizza prep: dough and my home brew ginger ale… I’m off wine until I have a bit more normal blood pressure history. Not a problem as I have some excellent ginger and the current batch of ginger syrup is VERY good.

A good week.

Hopefully, tomorrow’s cold front will improve things without making the fire situation worse. A front is to whoosh through tomorrow afternoon-evening. Behind the front are cooler temperatures and hopefully some rain. It is the whoosh that is the concern for fires. There was a local town evacuated – in case. Some new firefighting crews have arrived. Hopefully in 48 hours things will have calmed and cooled.

Meanwhile, T.G.I.F. at my house.