Mornings ‘R Us, South Fork, CO

Karl, Bob and I are morning “folk” – actually, I am a morning person … Karl and Bob live with me and my schedule and they are now converts.  I start coming awake, Bob gets hungry, Karl drags a bit and sometimes has a bit of a lie-in until I’m really up but pretty much we are all up with the sun.  It is my favorite time of day – I like getting up while it is still dark or at least dim and watching the sun come up with Karl, Bob and a good, strong cup of coffee.  In my stick house – my front porch faces east – here, in South Fork I face east…


Karl waking up a bit slowly – the nights here have been wonderfully cool – mid 40’s to 50ish.  Daytime highs have been barely 80ish and often it clouds up, breeze kicks up and there is a late afternoon thunder-thing…can hardly say storm as it has not really been a storm – thunder rumbles, lightning strikes in the distance – sometimes a bit of rain – that’s been it so far.  Most days the A/C has not come on until after noon and it is cool enough by 6 to open the windows and let the breeze come through – wonderful!  Also nice for the “cocktail hour” on the deck of my folks house – also facing east so shady and pleasant in the evening.  Wonderful visit… I’m looking forward to heading home but also will be sad to end this visit…

