Archive for ‘July 23rd, 2007’

RV Plumbing – drinking faucet replacement

I know, riveting topic… but if you read “The Start” and “About” – I did disclose that RV “stuff” – including maintenance and repairs would be part of this blog – great thing is you can skip a post that is of no interest!

And if you decide to read on, don’t be afraid – it really is about the drinking facuet – this has nothing to do with the toilet part of RV plumbing…

Old Faucet 

The old faucet fell off and sprung it’s insides when I was cleaning it after the last trip.  So, I ordered a replacement from Winnebago Parts .  The replacement is a much nicer faucet, but it is different which will make a bit of a difference noted later.  The parts person said that his notes said to include a fitting kit – so I bought that.  He did note that he rarely sent the fitting kit and people did not call to get it.  I said send it as I can’t turn the water on without the faucet hooked up and I didn’t want to wait for a 2nd shipment if I needed it.

The best thing about the fitting kit was the instructions which showed everything and how it goes together…  My favorite part, though is the first line about “Installation …..  being straight forward” – well, that itimidated me a bit.  I mean, if I had trouble it would mean I was somehow incompetent..  and then the diagram with what looked like many pieces and steps.  Well, nothing to do but proceed.


The only things I used from the fitting kit were a plastic ferrule and a tube sleeve.  The compression fitting that I needed from the kit was too small for the pipe on the faucet.  This I discovered after the faucet was in place and bolted on and that required my neighbor, Nancy, holding at the top while I did a contortion act under the sink.  Under a house sink is not that much fun – under an RV sink – less so!

The 1/2 way point…


However, a trip to the hardware with the slightly small compression fitting (1/4) and I found a 5/16  and a 3/8 so brought both home.  The 5/16 was the winner and things went together – a bit of teflon tape per instructions was also used.  Water on – success! – a working filtered water drinking faucet – much nicer than the original.  Not so bad after all.

Running water    

New Faucet