Sat-ur-day… in the Park

Back to Whitefish – post eye Dr….beautiful day and SO grateful that my eye is ok.  Karl was with so we stopped at our walking place – now the Soccer fields…

daughter, Dad and ??? in the trailer:

Family always something special about Dad’s and daughters…maybe because I’m a daughter.  This little girl was interested in Karl and she and her dad had a short discussion about his color and white “socks” as they passed.  I couldn’t see “who” was in the trailer…

The photos following show the soccer fields which were being used for their intended purpose today. 

 Also below is a view into Glacier National Park with the pond in the foreground that is home to a variety of birds at least – this entire area is a bit of a wetlands – reclaimed by manmade methods for the soccer fields, a church and housing subdivision.  Privately, Karl and I preferred it as open land… but change – progress are inevitable – even in Montana…
