Another Whitefish Day

Yesterday –  Chiropractor, dog walk, eye appointment, lunch with friend, dog walk, Costco, Grocery, home – a LONG day “out” for this home body!  BUT… weather!!! rain, clouds, blue sky, sun – everything and clean, crisp, fresh air!  I took a LOT of photos but was hampered considerably by the eye appt which included dilation of both eyes.  I was reduced to absolute trust of my camera.  (my eye contines to be fine…one more check…)

The day started as a rainy, socked in day.  Mid-morning, the clouds lifted enough to show some blue patches and snow levels plenty low for early October!  If things keep up the 2 local ski resorts should be extremely happy!  As I moved from here to there and back there were areas of squalls – looked like snow vs rain ???  Judge for yourself below:

Whitefish Train Station – Amtrak – it seems SO old-fashioned – especially inside – something from another era.  I took Amtrak to Seattle several times in ’97-98 when I was working with a consulting company there.  The train leaves Whitefish early evening – and arrives Seattle 7 a.m.ish.  I always got a sleeper – took minis of scotch, my Walkman (the iPod of the 90’s!) and enjoyed the comfy-coziness of the tight quarters.  There was a 1-2 a.m. stop in Spokane, WA where I usually woke for a bit.  I’d then wake early enough before Seattle to shower and change before arrival.   It was a unique experience!  …. first photo below is the train station, ski area in the background is Big Mountain.

Train Station

Big Mtn

More Whitefish – Big Mtn and Whitefish Main St.


Main Street