Evening light

After an unseasonably warm period, we are now unseasonably cool. And an unusual weather pattern is bringing rain and mountain snow swirling in from the east-southeast instead of the normal western flow.

After two cloudy, overcast days, the sun came out early last evening. Karl and I took our normal evening walk. The weather coming in from the east and the sun still high in the western sky made for a beautiful contrast. Sunny green grass and trees stood out against the fresh snow on the mountains, a brilliant blue sky and fluffy white clouds as well as dark snow and rain filled clouds. The temperature rose to a balmy 55 after hovering near a damp 50 through the day. A soft wind blew through the pine trees…it was a smorgasboard of color, light, sound and the softness of a spring evening…

Evening Mtns

Evening Mtns

Evening Mtns


Evening Mtns

Evening Mtns
