Archive for ‘May, 2008’

Sky Blue and Grass Green

I don’t know what they are calling the Crayola crayon colors for the blue of a clear blue sky or the bright green of new spring grass, but I can picture the box of crayons…you know that big box of 64 with the sharpener on the back of the box. And I can smell that new crayon smell…

Yesterday afternoon the vivid blue of the sky and the bright green of the new grass (hay and alfalfa) – with the mountains and trees and houses – this sea of blue and green on my road home – it reminded me of those bright, clear colors and a brand new box of crayons.

Road Home

Road Home

Road Home

Road Home

Road Home

Heat Wave

I’m writing this on Saturday evening just after 8 p.m. and it is 75 degrees fahrenheit – a bit above normal by 10-15 degrees! This is the third and warmest day in our Montana Spring heat wave – tomorrow is to be cooler and by mid-week we are forecast to be 10-15 degrees below normal.

But today and yesterday – like summer and Karl and I walked early. Friday we walked at the State Park by Flathead Lake.

Karl at Flathead Lake

Karl is on a rocky area that will soon – maybe tomorrow (Monday) be covered. The sudden warm temperatures are melting the mountain snow pack and filling the rivers and streams that feed Flathead Lake.

Karl at Flathead Lake

The rocky shore above will be under water soon also.

Yesterday morning we walked at the Historic “Trails to Rails” walk in Somers, Montana – a walk/bike trail starts in Somers and ends miles away west of Kalispell. We walk a short bit of this asphalt trail that has view of the mountains and on a clear day, when the lake is at normal height – Flathead Lake.


I love this little “barn”? – the color of the wood, it’s narrow tall shape against the background – it is a pretty structure to my eye.


I think it is funny that Karl gets so excited when we make the turn that leads to this trailhead. It is an asphalt path and is fenced in – much more citified than our typical walking places. It is a walk, though, and maybe just the variety is intriguing…



Headed back now, the “hill” is the village of Somers.

On the drive back home I stopped to take some photos. The foothills had that shadowy look that I love and I hoped to capture it. This implement barn caught my eye also.

My favorite…

Skywatch Friday … Northern Light

Skywatch Friday which is hosted by Tom Wigley on his blog Wiggers World

Northern Light…not “lights” – I would LOVE to get a photo worthy of posting of the Aurora Borealis, which I have seen only once…but this post is about Northern Light which at my latitude of 48 North means sunrise at 5:50 and sunset at 9:11 and another month to go until the Summer Equinox so sunrise is ever earlier and sunset ever later until at the equinox there is light in the sky as late as 11 p.m. and as early as 4 a.m. … really, we have no need for Daylight Saving Time here – enough of the daylight already!!!

**added Note on 5/17 Northern Lights are the Aurora Borealis…I am using “Northern Light” to refer to the extended daylight we have in the north during the summer… sorry for any misunderstanding, I probably shouldn’t have capitalized it either…

But, yesterday morning very early and me, too impatient to get a tripod, but looking at a beautiful dawn about to happen, well, see for yourself…

North Light

North Light

North Light

North Light

North Light

North Light

North Light

And much later yesterday – 8:45 p.m. U.S. Mountain Daylight time – the setting sun with no clouds to block its rays, shines on the top of the trees casting them in gold…

North Light

North Light

North Light

And a bit of follow up… Mental Pause Mama and my friend Kris identified the bird in the Pond Post as a Yellow Headed Blackbird. See the original post for more….

Heart Strings

Heart Strings

Sara left these Heart Strings for me. The card that came with says: “This whimsical string of beads and charms will bring peace, harmony and abundance into your life. Hang the string by a door so the movement in and out of your home will stir the bell and cause it to ring.

Heart Strings
Each charm and bead has symbolism:

Donut – the continuity of life

Leaf – abundance and success

Bear – strength and courage

Hand – faith and sincerity

Heart – affection

The Bell – focus of the mind

I believe in the power of positive thinking – in having the vision of what we would like our lives and our everydays to be like. Vision can be a powerful tool. When we know what we want in our lives, we do a better job of making the choices that help get us there as well as saying no to those things that are not part of what we want.

I look at this Heart String and remember the giver as well as what each charm and bead symbolizes. It helps to remind me what is important – focus, affection, faith and sincerity, strength and courage. When those things are the focus, abundance and success are mine. The continuity of life – the circle of life – a reminder that this earthly life is not all there is.

My Heart Strings are hanging in my office across from my morning reading chair and by the sliding door to my back yard. I see it when I am quiet at the start of the day and think on those things it represents. The string is stirred by the movement through that door – a reminder during my work day. And – it is pretty on the wall – it brings to mind the friend who gave it – heart strings from one to another.

**note added…several have emailed me asking about where to purchase. These are made by Susan Walters, . She will make custom strings as well.

In the house

Saturday, approximately 7:00 p.m. – Sara left with the last of her things for her new home – and my house was once again mine. It was a bit…well, it was interesting. I was in the motorhome and Sara in the house for nearly 3 weeks in October before I flew to Florida. Then, when I returned – I was in the motorhome and Sara in the house for nearly 2 weeks. I used the washer/dryer which are just inside the front door, and I poked around the living room closet where I had papers, but otherwise, it was Sara’s house…so funny-odd to “move back in”. But that feeling was short-lived. By the time I put everything “to rights”, it once again became “my” house.

By 9:00 p.m. on Saturday, I had my bed made, the coffee ready to go in the morning and enough toiletries to feel comfortable with the going to bed and getting up routine.

I’m home!


Bob jumped on the bed – looked at me askance!!! – sniffed as if to say: “This is different”, and then proceeded to curl up on my robe..


Karl joined Bob soon after. Karl rarely gets on the bed but has ALWAYS done so the first night home. Before Sara moved, we were in the house on occasion but never for long. This night, he seemed to understand immediately that we were to stay…whether he picks up on my mood/spirit or ??? – he knew. He took a treat to the rug in the sunroom – usual spot. When I moved to the bedroom, up on the bed he went – and he stayed and went to sleep while I watched a bit of TV. Then, habit, or he gets too warm…into the closet.


That blur…that is Karl going into the closet… I crate trained Karl when he was a puppy and he has always liked a “den”. In this house, as in Florida, the closet is his den.

As per usual, Karl and Bob settled immediately into the home routine. I had a hard time falling asleep, but did eventually and woke to the sound of rain – heard through the open window.

We are in the house!

…this last photo has nothing to do with being in the house. This was actually the night before we moved home – in the motorhome. The title is: “Is the ice cream soft yet???”
