WARNING*** – another riveting RV maintenance post…

Hard to tell I know, but that is a brand new tire! And its twin is on the other side. “Baby” did not get new shoes all around but she did get 1 new pair on the front. And a special thanks to Ben and Jason at the Hwy 93 Kalispell Tire-rama for answering all my questions, checking the 4 rear tires and generally being nice, professional and respectful…we’ll forgive Jason for wanting to “borrow the Jeep” to go to lunch…

Yesterday, I worked until 10, then hooked up the Jeep. Karl and I in the motorhome set off for Tire-rama. We left the Winnebago and went on our merry way: a long walk at a favorite spot, chiropractor appointment for me, a few shopping stops and back to Tire-rama. Jason was just finishing the rear tire check when I arrived. Taking advantage of a next door gas station that also had rv propane, I got everything filled – WOW gas down to $2.69 here!!! – a far cry from the $3.89 which I think was what I paid for the last fill.
Back to Tire-rama, hooked up the Jeep, Karl and I back in the Winnebago and we made one last stop for groceries before heading home. Despite the hooking and unhooking, a huge advantage to towing the Jeep was being able to load it up. Usually on these Friday or Saturday runs, Karl is in the back and it can be a bit of a juggle to get everything in the front passenger seat and the small bit of spare room between him and the front seats. I have to leave him home on the monthly trip to Costco.
Today, though, scads of room!

We had such fun being out and about in the Winnebago that I decided to spend the night in her. I have spent the last 4 weeks gradually bringing her back to fighting trim – i.e. filling the pantry, work and pet supplies. I like her ready to roll needing only a few last minute items. It was a good time to spend a night and find out if I had everything. I didn’t…a few little things.
We are back in the house this morning after what felt like a mini-vacation, even though not quite 12 hours “away”. Today I will continue RV fun: install a repaired window blind, replace several drawer catches and drain and refresh the water tank. I know, I live a wild and crazy life…