Archive for ‘July, 2010’


Thursday evening, it clouded up, got dark and windy, the temperature dropped from 74 to 54 and the NOAA weather alarm went off with a notice of a severe thunderstorm approaching. I unplugged everything and joined Karl and Bob in the bedroom for a cozy evening reading and listening to the wind and low rumble of thunder.

The large cell passed south of us but we had wonderful soaking rain showers off and on all evening and into the night.

I was surprised to see Bob lying in the wet grass Friday morning when we went outside.

Karl checked on him…

And joined him. A bit of pick-up sticks was in order for the day.

The new moisture and rising sun combined to give the morning a misty start.

By the time Karl and I took our morning walk, the mist was just beginning to break up. Sun shone through here and there and lit the edges of misty clouds with lacy light borders.

The day stayed cool and an afternoon walk was all sunshine and blue sky.

Another pale moon and a bit of alpenglow finished our Friday.

Three Views…and a closeup

The morning walk on our “home” loop.

The range we see every day.

One low misty cloud creeping over the ridge.

So mysterious.

Early evening on the way home from a walk by the lake.

The range we see every day.

Late, last evening, 9:00 p.m. – sunset is currently about 9:30.

The range we see every day.

Three views…and a closeup.

Dog and Squirrel

One of Karl’s siblings was adopted by a Texas man to be a squirrel hunter. Karelian Bear Dogs “love” squirrels.

Karl considers squirrels serious business.

Squirrels command his complete attention.

Focus is everything.

That squirrel is up there!

The beardog’s eye never leaves his quarry.

Dog and Squirrel.

**In the cartoon (USA vintage early 60’s, Rocky and Bullwinkle (flying squirrel and moose) joined forces against Boris and Natasha who referred to Rocky and Bullwinkle as “moose and squirrel”…say it with your best overdone Russian accent :)!

Morning has broken

Morning has broken, like the first morning
Blackbird has spoken, like the first bird
Praise for the singing, praise for the morning
Praise for the springing fresh from the word

Sweet the rain’s new fall, sunlit from heaven
Like the first dewfall, on the first grass
Praise for the sweetness of the wet garden
Sprung in completeness where his feet pass

Mine is the sunlight, mine is the morning
Born of the one light, Eden saw play
Praise with elation, praise every morning
God’s recreation of the new day

Lyrics by Eleanor Farjeon, 1931

The melody familiar to me for these lyrics is the Cat Stevens version circa early 70’s I think. It is in fact a vintage Christian hymn. Eleanor Farjeon was a writer and poet, most often described as a storyteller.

Photo taken July 16, 2010 – sunrise through my woods.