Archive for ‘February, 2011’

Appearances can be deceiving

It looks pretty.

Karl likes it.

Karl likes it so much he was out in it most of the day!

The truth is, it was a heavy, wet, slushy snow. It was like being in a snow globe as it was falling. It fell so hard and heavy that I had to lower the blind behind my computer – it was making me dizzy to have the volume of large moving things in my peripheral vision.

It is pretty, but kind of a yucky mess :)!

Not everyone was fooled by appearances.


OMG!!! 51 ??? in February???


Not sunny at my house and my gauge says 47 but gosh, even 47 is a bit un-February-like!

Karl can’t believe it either.

Bob’s astonishment is short-lived…

Let not your heart be troubled

“Let not your hearts be troubled” Jesus Christ (John 14 several verses)

I sat in the morning quiet to read, pray and just be…with Karl and Bob and those words: “Let not your heart be troubled” came to mind as clear as if they were spoken. And the next words: “Abide in me”.

Karl, Bob, those words…that’s all I need for this Friday.

Ladies of the woods

These two were keeping an eye on Karl who was keeping an eye on them. It was a watching standoff. Finally, Karl remembered that he had a treat in the snow and he went looking for that. The girls trotted on.