Archive for ‘March 16th, 2011’

Echo Lake: the solid version

For a change of scenery, Karl and I headed east on our road to Echo Lake. We haven’t been since late Fall as the pavement ends not far from my driveway and the narrow, winding mud and gravel road is a bit harrowing in Winter. It wasn’t great today, but the Jeep managed with just a little slip-slidery along the way.

It has been so warm and I’m used to Flathead Lake so was surprised into laughter to see Echo Lake still frozen over.

Karl seemed mystified.

Where the heck is that water that used to be here???

…keep looking…

Is this a joke?

Morning Glory

March is half gone! Spring is 5 days away…officially! It has been above freezing and there is more ground than snow or ice. It is out of the photo but there is blue sky to the west – southwest.

Karl is feeling good and at his post: Morning Glory!