Archive for ‘February, 2012’

Snow in the woods

A bit of fresh snow this morning.

It was not to last. Even early, it was getting warm. By midday it was the consistency of mashed potatoes. And it was raining.

Since the weekend, there has been notice of a pending high wind warning for late tonight through tomorrow evening. I can’t recall ever seeing this kind of warning so I’m taking it seriously. Although I’ve rarely lost power at this house, today, I made sure every battery for every gadget is charged up. I filled all water containers AND the motorhome water tank. I baked bread and crackers and tortillas. I did laundry. I have plenty of cooked food that just needs to be warmed up and plenty more that can be cooked – on the woodstove. Bob and Bear’s food supply is plentiful. I hope all of this preparedness guarantees that the power stays on :)!

The bedroom war and MT-Mex cook-a-thon, cont’d.


“Who cares??? Let the *%&$! dog have the bedroom. It is warmer in here”

Back in the kitchen…

Tortilla production line – my favorite part!

This was maybe the best batch of corn tortillas I’ve ever made. Although they always taste good, this group held together in perfect circles out of the press, I didn’t burn any and oh…the corn aroma!! It is fortunate that they made it into the enchiladas!

However, after 2 batches of chile gravy, the tortillas, cleaning up the kitchen and all the pots and pans involved – I was running out of steam.

I made a mini enchilada of each type to test and make sure all was edible. WOW! – the chile gravies were packin’ a bit more heat than I anticipated. Medium chile powders from Hatch, New Mexico cooked up to the hot side. It is a good and flavorful heat but I wasn’t sure how my neighbors would like it so in light of the heat and my waning energy, I made some quick enchilada casseroles, put all leftovers in the freezer and while there is not a supply of frozen enchiladas, there is a supply of the fixin’s and easy MT-Mex meals for another day.

Today, Sunday, will truly be a day of rest. It is snowing lightly under heavy overcast and a small fire is burning in the woodstove. I will be joining whoever has possession of the bedroom for an afternoon nap.

Saturday morning

Oh, Bear!!! Why so glum??

Just in from the morning perimeter patrol/out and about…on a Saturday morning with a light snow falling…

The last several weeks, I’ve opened the bedroom to Bear during the day as Bob has elected to stay in ‘his (!!!)’ front room. From the bed, Bear can survey most of the woods from a spot he finds most comfortable.

Bob’s front room has the comfy daybed complete with comforter and several fleece blankies, the ‘craft desk’ which has food, water and yet another fleece blankie AND in a private corner: a most commodius litter box. For some time, Bob has deemed this room as fit for HIM.

But….in the perverse nature of cats…Bob has cottoned on to the fact that Bear loves the bedroom during the day.

For the first time in some weeks, Bob decided he would have his morning nap on the bed.

Hence, Bear’s pout. I wish I could have recorded the heavy sigh Bear emitted when he saw the bedroom was closed to him and Bob was on the bed.

Life can be tough here at the “casa” Summers…

Meanwhile, in the Saturday morning kitchen…

A Montana-Mex enchilada cook-a-thon commences.

Pictured above is 10 cups of lucious, rich chicken broth from 2 roast chickens. It is the prelude to both green and red chile gravy which hopefully will grace a number of enchilada dishes…some for now, some for my neighbors (the neighbors with THE TRACTOR!!!) and some for both of our freezers.



Sun to Snow

Today, Thursday…started clear and sunny.

It started cold but warmed quickly.

Bob joined me in the office to enjoy a sun warmed spot.

…marred only by me pointing a camera in his direction.

Shortly, things changed.

The sky turned gray, the temperature dropped…

Snow started falling.

And falling.

Time for a fire.


A bit of snow.

Some time with Bob and a book.


A walk with Bear.

Coconut almond chocolate biscotti…and a rolled out pizza crust.

A new venture…pizza on the grill! (Emile Henry pizza stone)


On Sunday.