Archive for ‘April, 2012’

Give Peace to my heart

The song on this morning’s Pray as you go is titled: “Give Peace to our hearts”. It was not sung in English but the narrator paraphrased the prayer lyrics:

Give peace to our hearts
May I have Peace in my heart.
Lord, Help me still myself so I can hear your gentle voice speaking to my heart.

My own heart is not “un”-peaceful, but the schedule has been extra full of late and yesterday morning, I had to be in Whitefish at 8:00 a.m. …with an empty stomach for a fasting blood test in preparation for an annual physical.

My normal routine is a relaxed start to the day…getting Bob situated, making coffee, a leisurely outing with Bear, breakfast, shower, a quick perusal of the few cooking blogs I like, plan my own cooking for the day and then to work about 9:00. So, blasting out of the house at 7:00 for the 45 minute drive to Whitefish with no coffee and no food – it was a drastic departure from the normal. Bear and I had a nice long walk in Whitefish before we returned – a good thing as the remainder of the day was mostly at my desk with headset on working with my programming group. We quit at 7:00 p.m.

It was a good day. Much was accomplished. And after shutting down at 7, I went outside with Bear. It is now light until almost 9:00 p.m. so we walked the loop, dawdled in the woods and then sat and enjoyed the evening.

This morning, after Bob’s turn outside while I made coffee, Bear and I went out. I sat on the front porch to have my morning quiet time and listen to today’s Pray as you go. And with His peace in my heart and no meetings on the schedule, I took an extra hour in the kitchen to make a batch of corn tortillas and english muffins.

Cooking is soothing and relaxing for me – especially breads – something fundamentally peaceful for me in the handling of the dough, the fragrance of them baking and the kind of magic that transforms flour and liquid into one of our basic foods.

And then, I sat down, AT the table !!! – for breakfast. I try to keep to a habit of eating at least 2 meals at the table but sometimes it is “catch as catch can” at my desk.

And then…

a check on Bob…

and on Bear. The morning’s quiet, the song-prayer, the gentle voice and these beloved pets – gave Peace to my heart this beautiful morning.

***Both the corn tortillas and the english muffins freeze well. Although certainly they are scrumptious fresh, they do not suffer being frozen and beat anything store bought to smithereens! I am all for having a LOT of easy to thaw things in the freezer for those times when there is not time.

Easter Sunday

A beautiful sunrise started our Easter Sunday.

Bear kept me company in the kitchen…

And Easter breakfast was had before a small fire: Lemon Blueberry Cornmeal pancakes, egg in a hashbrown nest and sausage. Both breakfast and the woodstove warmed up a morning that started cool at 28F.

But before noon, it felt warm and eventually the thermometer hit 54F.

Bob partook of sunshine in the front yard…

And kept an eye on a small butterfly. (Butterflies are one of his favorite things :)! )

Wishing all a happy and Blessed Easter, from Bob, Bear and me.

Moonrise in April

Last evening’s moonrise (Thursday 4/5). The moon could not quite clear the wispy dark clouds that kept floating in front of it but it was still pretty. The day had been sunny, a bit brisk, but just perfect for being outside walking or doing chores. Bear and I had an extra long walk and then dawdled in the meadow to watch the moon (me) and hunt little critters in the grass (Bear).

Moonrise in April.

All things new

New growth, new beginnings…my friend’s beardog came through a difficult surgery and has had a good day one. This sweet, courageous dog – he did so well! And thank you to those I called on for prayers – all are people who have been in a similar situation and I know it can be hard to go there as it brings up painful memories.

But…from an old episode of JAG: “We are each angels with only one wing and we can only fly by embracing each other.”

Things are different today for this good dog. They are different for each one of us. It is a new day with new challenges, new situations, new options.

And it is Spring and almost Easter Sunday – both carrying the promise of new life.

A shared moment

I scattered Karl’s ashes in the woods just below where Bear and I are standing. Just ashes, not Karl but it was the right time for me to let them go. I needed them with me until a month or so ago and then I knew I was ready and just waiting for the day that seemed right. Today was the day.