If you have followed my blog for very long and/or know me in person, you know that I have a bit of a hermit/recluse/stay-at-home kind of lifestyle…and I LIKE it!
But, I do have friends and even some close enough to actually visit and I’m trying to help Bear be comfortable with other critters (he LOVES people!)…so, this past weekend Tina and Arcturus were invited for a Friday evening get-together here.
However, earlier in the day, long before our guests arrived, Bob wanted to join me in the office. Bear was sleeping in his chair in the living room. I opened the gate and Bob sauntered past Bear into the office and onto the corner chair to have a nap in a spot of sunshine.
Bear joined us and I stayed at my desk and watched in the reflection of my monitor. They sniffed…a nose sniff/touch and then Bear gave Bob a onceover and turned away. This happened several times and then Bear lay down on the rug behind me.

All was calm and the afternoon was spent with the house gates open. The calm continued even after Bear and I went out for a bit…and Bear surprised a squirrel…chase/bark/chitter-chatter/bark. We came in. I watched closely to make sure that being frustrated outside did not translate to “eat the cat” inside. It didn’t…all over sniff and lie back down. And let me just say, Bob is a CHAMP! He stays quiet and calm which I am sure helps Bear.
Arcturus ran around outside and Bear was excited and barking inside. With Bob safely in the bedroom, we brought Arcturus in the house with the gates separating he and Bear. Some barking by Bear, but fairly quickly, after nose sniffing through the gates, everyone settled down.
At some point…WELL, it WAS Friday and we had wine…. we opened the gates. All was fine. We wished for cameras… Then there were some words and I panicked and stepped in. In hindsight, I wish I had had the presence of mind to just say “Knock it off, Bear”. Tina took that route, but once I stepped in all was interrupted and I never got my sang froid back…RATS!
We are both travelling and won’t have a chance to try again for a bit. BUT, I was very much encouraged that Bear was fine with Arcturus in the house – gate separated and for some time without gates. And they both recovered quickly and were quietly curious and calm. They sniffed noses through the car window as Tina and Arcturus were getting ready to leave. Arcturus is very sociable with other dogs. Bear has just not had the experience and is unsure. I have some fear…which I absolutely HATE – Rats!
So…THE Pizza.
The dinner plan was pizza on the grill. Earlier in the week, Tina emailed a suggestion of peaches and cinnamon basil – that she would bring. I thought she meant on the pizza. I learned later, she was thinking a side or dessert of grilled peaches and basil.
I did a bit of googling and found several recipes for peach/basil pizza with a drizzle of balsamic vinegar reduction (balsamic syrup). I like a bit of meat on my pizza and thought that the fried cajun sausage my folks give me would work with the peaches/basil/balsamic. I had the sausage, the balsamic reduction and the dough (my high moisture mix) ready for Friday evening.
As I was telling Tina about the peach/basil/balsamic recipes, I discovered that she hadn’t thought of the peaches and basil on the pizza. And she said: “But, I like a bit of ‘salty’ on my pizza”. I told her about the sausage. We proceeded…and it was wonderful! I didn’t take photos that night, but I made the same pizza for myself again on Saturday and DID take photos…below:

A brush of olive oil on the crust, then: slices of mozzarella, peaches, cinnamon basil and fried sausage bits – then on the grill until the crust is crisp and the cheese is melty!

A drizzle of balsamic syrup and we have the best pizza I have ever made…AMEN!!
After Friday’s Bear and Bob togetherness AND guests for dinner… Bear, Bob and I had a later night than is our norm. And some of us were a bit keyed up and took awhile to wind down to sleep.

Saturday morning, some of us had energy readings riding on E (Empty)!!
BUT, we had more fun and getting together on the agenda! Bear and I went to Whitefish to visit Auntie Kris, Uncle Hal and Magic. Magic is Kris and Hal’s 11 month old Samoyed “puppy”. Bear has been to visit Magic only once before when Magic was quite young, but before that we’ve been there and enjoyed walks around their 40 acres. Bear gets excited when we turn on their road and knows there is fun to be had.
This day, after seeing Magic outside in his yard, Bear and I took a walk down the driveway and around their large field before going back to say hello. With a little steam blown off, we walked up to the fence and Bear quietly touched noses with Magic. Hoo rah!!
The people visited, Bear and I had another walk and then came home…

…exhausted. It was a fun and wonderful weekend, but tiring for us stay-at-homes.

Bob, though – he was on the job! Rested – a full day with the house to himself…he took over guard duty.