Currently, here in northwest Montana, sunrise is just after 8 a.m. and sunset is just before 7 p.m. And, we have two more months of days getting shorter.
The sun arcs very low over the south as well, so the limited sunlight is not strong sunlight.
I knew my herbs would probably not make it inside without a bit of artificial light…

I had thoughts of getting a couple racks with hanging UV lights and making some shelf tables, but after looking at these, decided that the option of moving them easily AND taking them in the motorhome made for a better first go.

Naturally, as soon as FedEx dropped them off, the sun was out.

I also bought a water meter on the advice of my folks. Bill uses one for their potted herbs and they have fresh herbs all year round. This is one of the coolest things I’ve bought in awhile – no batteries! The moisture generates enough electricity for the meter to pick it up. Amazing.

By the time I quite playing with the meter and got the lights assembled and positioned, it was stormy-dark again – it was a day of off and on squalls with brilliant sunshine and clear, crisp air in between.
I am VERY happy with these lights: easy to hang anywhere and here in the sunroom-office they create such a nice feeling along with the herbs.
The only other “problem” with the plants in my office is temperature. The nursery guy said they would like the room fairly warm. I like the room fairly cool.

This may be my winter “uniform”…
I told the herbs that they were Montana herbs and as such, they should be ok with slightly cooler conditions. I hope they took that to heart.

Last evening, the light show continued…outside.

Dark to the east, clear to the west and the setting sun lit the tree tops.

And later still, as the temperature dropped…a cozy fire in the woodstove.