Archive for ‘November, 2012’

Resting up

As per usual…when I step out of the way of worry and allow things to unfold without trying to control everything…they do.

A number of things fell into place and Bear will have his surgery tomorrow (Thursday 11/8). I’m told that they will probably want him to stay until Friday morning but this clinic is home to Flathead Pet ER and so is fully staffed 24/7. I will be glad to get him home and don’t like leaving him for 24 hours, but I trust this place and the people and most importantly: God’s care of all his creatures.

Meanwhile, we are all resting up – well some of us are…some of us are doing the stuff that brings home the bacon and kibble!

A DIY project: light box for photography

For something like 5 months I’ve been talking about making a light box to take better food photos. A friend here (Tina of ‘Montana: Unplugged’) bought the same camera and lens I have – 5 months ago. It came with a nifty brochure that talked about different ways to light things. She lent it to me and it got me interested in a way to light my food shots.

I don’t use a flash and sometimes finding a good spot of natural light is tough…gets much tougher this time of year.

Now, there are portable light box things on Amazon and they are not very spendy but I’d already looked at this Wiki-How to do anything post and I TOLD people I was going to make my own.

Time marched on…I didn’t have the right size box. I didn’t feel like messing with cardboard and tape. Etc. Etc.


Tina also gave me a bag of this wood that is available from Plum Creek Timber Co. certain times of the year. She uses it for kindling in her wood stove. It works great! It is all mostly the same length so I decided to make my box with it. A little spindly but good enough for a first go.

I draped a white sheet around the box frame and used a light that was already on the table as well as one of the herb grow lights for a quick test.

All I can say is WOW! The little piggie figurine is about 3 x 3 inches. In the box, with the light diffused through the sheet, there is no glare, no shadows and all of the detail is visible.

…same with the owl that is about 5 inches tall.

Now for some food.

I was able to shoot in the light box at ISO 800 Shutter 1/60 vs ISO 3200 Shutter 1/8 for the same item in the kitchen. (- both at F5.6 )

I did not use a tripod for these unless you count that I had my elbows on the table – so I was fairly steadily braced vs standing. When I take food photos in the kitchen, I often have to get in an odd position to get an angle with the least glare, reflection or shadow. With the box, I can shoot comfortably as noted…with elbows on the table.

Dbl-click these and look full screen – still good although I’d probably go with a bit more light on the food next round.

So…a wood box frame, an old sheet, two lights = a lot of fun and food photos I’m much happier with.

About an hour later…

I thought I heard Bob come in but couldn’t find him???

“Thank you for the nice house!”

Falling back

It is “Fall back” time here in the United States: Set the clocks back an hour and change the batteries in smoke and Co2 detectors…DONE!

Here at the Casa Summers we have brand new Co2 detectors. They talk. They say if it is smoke or co2 and they tell us to leave the house for fresh air.

Bear believes. When I tested the new detectors, his ears went back and he came to me and flicked his nose to the door – his signal to go outside.

I think we are in good shape if there is ever a problem.

Meanwhile, “Fall back” day started clear with a moonlit, starry sky, but it has since clouded up and turned into a dark and dreary day. No matter. We have done all errands and are in for the week end.

Falling back.



The color is spectacular! The larch are brilliant gold. You can see a few of them in the above photo.

A week or 10 days ago or so, I pulled the plug on the trip around Montana and to my folks. No news on the propane tank, Bear’s leg was still iffy, work, weather…I needed to take something out of the mix of “what to do”.

Today, Bear and I visited another vet clinic.

Bear’s ACL is torn and he needs surgery. The surgery is called TPLO: Tibia plateau leveling osteotomy. Karl had the same surgery when he was 3. It is major surgery and the success is most dependent on the 12-16 week rehab period post-op.

Bear’s surgery is awaiting scheduling with an orthopedic vet – likely 2-4 weeks hence.

I am so sorry that Bear has to go through this.

BUT…if his outcome is as good as Karl’s, he will have the rest of his life on a good, strong knee.

I am honored and privileged to be part of the process. It is incredibly bonding…at least that was Karl’s and my experience and I expect the same with Bear.

Yes, it is spendy in both $$ and time. The time I gladly give. The $$ I thankfully can supply as well.

This good and loving dog – I hope to see him running and jumping and leaping and spinning.

Surgery in 2-4 weeks, rehab 12-16 weeks – full recovery by late winter/early spring.