Archive for ‘December 7th, 2012’

A cozy Friday

This is how Friday started.


It looks like more snow that it was. There was still grass showing. This morning there was.

It snowed off and on all day and late afternoon it felt like I was in a snow globe. So, now, at 7:00 p.m. there is in the neighborhood of 3 inches at my house. But I spoke to a friend who lives maybe 5 miles away and she has 8 plus inches!

But inside, it has been cozy…

Not a surprise :) !!

At the other end of the house…

I missed the photo of Bob on the red fleece. Getting back with the camera, he was already headed down the steps…

The stairway to nowhere is part of the shuffle of stuff to make the sunroom office into the Beardog recuperative suite.

But if there is fleece, Bob will go there!

I rest my case. (nearby food helps also!)

The day was gray and snowy outside. It felt like Christmas. I had a good and productive workday. Bear slept a lot but we also had several outings that went well and he sat up and barked when UPS arrived.

Soup’s on for supper. It has stopped snowing outside.

A cozy Friday.

The Beardog recuperative suite

We are living very en famille for a bit. The idea is to keep Bear’s activity to a minimum for the first week and maybe two. The easiest way to do that is to decrease the accessible space and remove all furniture. I know…the bed…my bed so far and no, I am not sure how long it will remain mine.

We’ve been out for the necessaries this morning…in an inch of new snow with more forecast – Rats! But all went well with no slipping or sliding.

The black thing with handles that Bear is lying on is a Gingerlead. It allows me to provide partial to full support for Bear’s back end while keeping control AND maintaining a solid and comfortable upright position myself. I definitely do not want to stumble into or onto Bear! The sling is padded, lined with a cushy soft corduroy and has a padded handle for the person also. I highly recommend. Bear and I practiced with it off and on before the surgery so it was not a strange thing. He was a bit out of it yesterday when we left the clinic but this morning when I got it to help him up, he wagged his tail and immediately sat.

He is a bit more Bear this morning but I think it will be a quiet day here in the Beardog recuperative suite.