Archive for ‘April, 2013’

’tis the season

Bear and I headed to town for an early shopping trip – a 13 hour sale! – and a walk.

I intended to walk at a spot near the store but when we passed the river fishing access there were only 2 trucks with empty boat trailers so I turned around…

I would have missed the sun lighting the contrails as it rose from behind the hill where the cross sits if I’d entered the access as normal or hadn’t turned around.

And we had a beautiful walk by the river.

Betwixt and Between

April, here, is a mixed bag weather-wise.

One day warm-hot and the next it snows.

These last days, though, have been warm-hot with temperatures in the 60’s, blue sky and warm winds.

We are enjoying outside as much as possible.

I hope the herbies are thinking about growing.

A few sprouts of day lilies shot up – it seems like overnight!

Wild Thing is raring to go. So am I. We await Bear’s recovery which is going well.

Meanwhile, we enjoy this time that looks and feels like early Summer.

Summer today…late Winter next week… Betwixt and Between.