Yesterday started with snow and a temperature of 34F.

But it ended with sunshine and a temperature of 52F.

Mr. Bob had another ear check at the vet. An internist is being consulted as although Bob is certainly improving, the ear is still very messy and obviously we haven’t kicked the infection…or the wobbles. The eardrum has healed, though and I think Bob is hearing a little bit. He is getting around easier, eating and drinking normally and interested in life with Bear and me – AND enjoying the sun when it is out.

The sun that followed the snow also brought the first lupin blooms in the woods. Last year’s lupins were a bit feeble due to the very wet spring. So far, it looks like there will be a bumper crop this year. I love the lupins!
And as I write this, it is Friday morning before a hopefully short work day and a 3 day weekend for which I have no – nada – zilch in the way of “have to do items”. Depending on the weather at any given moment there are bits of things I can do outside and inside or I might just putter in the kitchen or read or snuggle with Bob and Bear.
Happy Friday!