No, I have not adopted a kitten or kittens!
I visited KittyMom’s Rescue this lunch hour to donate some of the pet steps (3 of 6!!!) and 2 boxes of insulin syringes. While at KittyMom’s there were some kitties needing lunch and I was happy to help.
And seriously…with kittens crawling all over me looking for food and then holding one and giving a small bottle… I ask you, could there be sadness of any kind??? I say NO!
And especially as the kitten I was feeding was all black except for a Mr. Bob orange colored streak between her vivid blue eyes. …vivid blue eyes which locked onto mine as she slurped up a special kitten formula…that left behind a milky-white mustache…her little paws holding my hand…and when finished she found a spot on my lap for a post-prandial kitten nap. Oh, boy.
If it was just me, probably.
But there is Bear.
Bear is sticking close to me. He is not wanting to stay outside if I come in – even briefly. My sense is that he is feeling confused, disconcerted, unsure – where is Bob??? Mostly the same as me.
For me, it has been over 3 years …Karl, Bear, Bear and Bob, Bear, Bob… kind of a long, challenging, haul of emotion. Oh, and $$$$.
Bear has been through the loss of the person’s mother, the person, shuffling, cross-country move, adapting to Bob, Bob, losing Bob.
I’d like to think we could maybe have some “everyone healthy” time.
For the moment, we will just be two.
Yesterday, Tuesday, first full workday at home – a good day! A full workday, walks and play, we both ate well…AND…!!!

Some months ago, I took advantage of a pre-buy at deep discount…for some wood prints from my favorite photo lab: Simply Canvas.
I had until August 23 to place an order.
I’ve been dithering as I had an idea of some things to order but needed to find the original files.
In the midst of the awfulness of the last weeks, the deadline. The lab gave me a short extension.
I ordered the above of Bob and am so very happy.

There are the 4.
I’m not sure where they will all go. A major shuffling on my walls is in order.
For the moment, I am enjoying these new 4 right where they are.
And the capper.
This morning.

Sunrise, fog, the woods, thoughts of Bob and Bear, thoughts of Karl and Gus, thoughts of Zack.
Light and life and kittens and bottles and sun and Bear and love = NO Blues!!