June 1

The first of June.

I have a few things I’m starting – things I set as a June 1 start date. So, June 1 is seeming like a kind of clean slate date to me.

And just like September 1 feels like Fall … although official Fall usually starts September 21…. June 1 seems like Summer even if it is not official until June 21.


When I bought my current house…on the road home…I had the thought that when I was 62-65ish, the property would be worth enough to either do a reverse mortgage or sell and move somewhere less “found”.

And then I did some things: Florida, return, married, divorced.

And Karl was ill and died.




And here we are.

Along the way, I’ve been collecting “small/tiny” house plans.

My house is certainly not large at 1200 square feet but the fact is, when I measure what I really use, I come in about 750 square feet and much of that is middle space air.

I’ve often said, as I left on a motorhome trip, I would be obliged to the Universe if trees fell on the house and then I would take the insurance money and build a little cabin near where the motorhome now sits and use the house foundation slab for a motorhome garage.

It would be my little dream home. Little. I had visions of a square house with a wrap around porch.

Meanwhile, I’m still collecting small house plans and looking at small spaces. And since I’ve lived in the motorhome (330 square feet when parked with slides out) for 7 months and 3 months and been happy in that space, I had some knowledge that I do not NEED a lot of space. And I do not NEED a lot of stuff. In fact, I am most happy with not very much stuff.

Off and on, I’d run numbers and think about selling. I had the house listed for a year from April 2011 until 2012…not a great time for real estate.

Then the construction next to me.

Not the whole reason at all, but it was a bit of a nudge to REALLY think.

And I did.

And last Friday, I had a bit of an epiphany. As a 1 human household, albeit a human used to making all kinds of solo decisions…sometimes things roll around and become convoluted and hard to sort out. For whatever reason, it occurred to me to ask myself: “If I won the lottery and could do all I wanted on this property…would I do it and stay ??? ” And the answer was “No”.

It is not that this is a bad place by any means…not at all – it is a beautiful place! But it is not my current “dream” and life is short.

As I watched the potential neighbors drilling their well and thought about this family building what I assume is THEIR dream house…it made me think about my dream house. And what am I waiting for.


I’ve slept on the decision and told a few and am feeling good and excited. I am aware that just like in 2011, it might not happen. I will not give this place away, so all depends on if there is a person(s) who wants this spot for what I’m willing to give it up.

We’ll see what the Universe has in mind.

Meanwhile, I will continue to enjoy my little house in the woods on the road home…even with the yellow jackets and the construction. Life is too very short not to enjoy all of the good things that are right now even in the midst of pursuing dreams.

*** Here are a few of my favorite small places:

392 foot Escape Cabin The photos are high end materials which might not be in my future, but the floor plan with moderation in material – beautiful.

L shaped Cabin Now…not these materials either, but the floor plan and elevations…on the right property – PERFECT!

By a Summers, for a Summers and near my folks??? …Oh Boy.