Archive for ‘August, 2014’

Our Monday

Bear is fine, but we did have an unplanned trip to the vet.

Bear was running toward me and suddenly did a kind of half somersault, half roll and came up shaking his head violently.

Foxtails are everywhere and I check both Bear and Auggie’s ears as it is easy to get them out of the outer part…

By noon, Bear was still obviously uncomfortable and I couldn’t see anything so off we went.

It WAS a foxtail and it was so far in, they had to sedate Bear to get it out.

Between the heat (90F), anxiety and the sedative, Bear was done by the time we got home.

Auggie went out but he’s not a heat guy either and he was soon back in. He flops down just inside the door like he is so tired and hot that he just cannot go further.

Despite the hard day, Bear got up to check on Auggie.

That porcelain…it is nice and cool – that’s the next place Auggie goes to cool off.

I succumbed to a glass of wine or 2 and an early night!

Stuffed shells and other weekend stories

Saturday was wonderfully cool, clear and beautiful…


At the construction site to our East there was grading and ??? and hauling of dirt.

It was noisy outside.

Bear, Auggie and I stayed mostly inside.

It was warm enough to close the house and run the A/C and so have none of the heavy equipment noise.

And early Saturday morning, I prepped a mix of swiss chard/onion/garlic and other spices, a ricotta-egg-parmesan mix and cooked some jumbo pasta shells.

Auggie had his usual.

But I had stuffed shells.

With Marcella Hazan’s tomato sauce. (tomatoes, butter, salt and an onion…slow simmered for 45 minutes, then remove the onion – HEAVEN!)

Jumbo pasta shells filled with the ricotta-chard mix, nestled on a bit of the tomato sauce, drizzled with the tomato sauce, baked and then under the broiler with some fresh grated parmesan.

Major deliciousness!

Meanwhile, some progress on the plumbing issue – washing machine drain – a temporary solution is in place with a permanent solution to be determined before Winter.

And I uncovered a bit of firewood that is ready to be split – it has been covered for 2 years and I was a little leery about what else might be living under the tarp… nothing scary and the wood looks good!

After 3 or maybe 4 weeks of procrastinating, I took up all of the little rugs, dust mopped, vacuumed and EVEN damp mopped the floors. And I dusted. It is relatively clean in the house!

…Speaking of Winter. We are now half-way through Summer. In Montana, that is getting close to Fall: another 7-10 days and the visitor traffic will diminish substantially. It might still get warm-hot but daylight is decreasing/dark time is increasing…it gets more and more difficult to be uncomfortably hot for more than a short bit of the afternoon. The light at the end of the summer tunnel is in sight. Hoo..I say HOO-RAH!

A hot, hazy, smoky week

The work week evaporated…

Saying goodbye to new friends,
Getting back to our “normal” routine,
Plumbing issues!!
A slow levelling jack on Wild Thing!

Hot, hazy & smoky weather-wise.

By today, Friday, we were DONE…


A hot, hazy, smoky week – done.

Until we meet again

So hard to say good bye.

Three days and I felt like John and Sharon were such dear friends.

But, down the road they went to their next adventure!

Happy Trails, dear friends!

Until we meet again.

The beginning of a beautiful relationship

John and Sharon of On the road of retirement are parked in my front yard.

And I could not be happier!

Via a blog connection they arrived here.

After them getting settled, we made mozzarella cheese. They are both avid cooks and we had a great time making the cheese and talking and oh, yes…enjoying some Montana Craft Beer (John and Sharon) and some New Zealand Sauvignon Blanc (me, courtesy of John and Sharon).

And we talked and shared RV stories and life stories.

And Mr. Bear…he had several explorations of the gorgeous Allegro Bay motorhome.

So did Auggie!

A good time was had by all.

John and Sharon are off on hiking adventures in Glacier NP tomorrow but we will convene for cocktail hour and a report of the day’s adventures tomorrow afternoon.

Crustless Quiche

4 eggs
3/4 cup milk
3/4 cup heavy cream
1 Tablespoon flour
2 Tablespoons melted butter
Pinch of salt
Pinch of nutmeg
2 cups cheese: I used 1 cup Monterrey Jack, 1 cup cheddar and a little pecorino

Beat all the ingredients – through cheese – together with a whisk until blended. Butter a pie dish and scatter a mixture of the cheese over the bottom of the pie dish. I then added 1 zucchini (grated), 1/2 small sweet onion sliced thin and some roasted red pepper diced. Pour egg mixture over top. Sprinkle nutmeg. Bake at 375 degrees for 40 minutes until the custard is firm, puffy & slightly brown.

Good out of the oven and even better cold the next day.