Today is the one year anniversary of the Auggie-boy’s adoption into the family Summers!
What a year!
Losing the Bob-a-lu cat was horrendous. All of my pet losses have been heartbreaking. I’ve not had human losses that have affected me as much as losing beloved pets.
As long as I am physically and financially able to care for a dog and a cat, I WILL have a dog and cat in my life! Every single dog and cat I’ve had has added so very much to my life. I cannot imagine life without them.
Auggie did not replace Bob as Bear did not replace Karl as Karl did not replace Zack and as neither Bob nor Auggie replaced Gus. They are all their unique and much loved selves.
Today, though, I very much celebrate the day that dear Auggie came into the lives of Bear and me. Auggie helped mitigate the sadness of the loss of Mr. Bob and Auggie’s youth and exuberance have enhanced Bear and my days.
Happy Day, Auggie-Boy!! Bear and I are so happy that you came into our lives!
…Below…Redux of Auggie’s first day with us:

Hey guys, I’m Auggie!!!

What a day…I think I need a nap.


Bear, if it is any consolation, Bob felt the same way when we brought you home…
KittyMom’s Rescue, the organization to which I donated some of Bob’s elder cat items, had an adoption day today.
Bear and I went.
We came home with Auggie.
Auggie is 3 1/2 months old by his first vet’s reckoning. He and his brother wandered to a home east of East Glacier, MT. The kindly folks who fostered them for several weeks were at the event this morning. So kind and wonderful and they were able to tell me that the 2 brother kittens were standing outside their fence while their dogs were barking. Somehow these kittens knew safe haven. Having met the couple, I completely understand – they exude compassion and love.
They were also able to tell me a bit about their personalities and at one point the Mr. said …and they travel well. WOW.
One brother was all orange and one was orange with white markings.
I hated the thought of separating the brothers.
I arrived at the event about 30 seconds before it was to start and the parking lot was full. The adoption area was packed! But most were around the 8 week old kittens.
I decided I would take both brothers vs leaving one by himself. I really wanted the one with white markings as the couple had told me he was the most confident.
In walked a couple who knew the people who brought the 2 and lived near them. WHAT are the odds – these folks are from about 100 miles away!
This couple wanted 1 of these kittens – they thought they were related to a cat they had that just died.
They wanted the solid colored kitten.
Is the hair on the back of your neck standing up?
The 2 couples and I all chatted as we waited for all paperwork, etc. I was so pleased. I loved these 4 people and how they loved animals.
I never heard how the 4 happened to be in Kalispell, MT.
Augustus after my first ever cat: Gus
Robert for Mr. Bob
Augustus Robert – to be known as Auggie.