Last evening, neighbor Melanie … of the new chicken yard neighbors … phoned to see if I’d like some eggs fresh from those chickens? I said yes, but hesitated about going right then because it was 7:00 p.m. … the time I start winding down, thinking about getting in my jammies and taking a book to bed – hopefully with Bear and Auggie for company.
Thankfully, I bucked up and walked over. I was greeted by Brewster (dog) and Jesse (Mel’s husband). Jesse showed me the finished chicken yard and explained how it all went together. It is beautiful and I hope to get some photos! They also have the most gorgeous chickens I’ve ever seen – truly beautiful. And chickens are funny. Mel brought out 3 tomatoes and threw them in the yard one at a time. As she says, they are like football players the way they go for the treat like it’s the football, blocking and tackling each other – too funny!
A bit more visiting and then into the garden where Mel dug up potatoes and I picked green tomatoes. We are to have a hard freeze maybe tonight and probably Thursday night.

And I got eggs, too!

First thing this morning, I made my cup of turmeric tea: water, lemon, turmeric, cayenne, pepper and honey. Spicy hot and “cures what ails ya'”. I started this last winter (Turmeric Cayenne Eye Opener) … took a break during the heat of the summer, but now it is back on the menu.
While I sipped, I looked up “green tomato” recipes. I know…fried green tomatoes and I will do that, but I also wondered if there were other things to do with them and there are:
Green tomato salsa
Green tomato marmalade!!
Green tomato chutney
Roast and grilled green tomatoes with fresh mozz for a green tomato caprese!!!
So, I’m thinking of proposing a mega green tomato day where we consolidate forces and put up those green tomatoes. If no takers, I’ll make small batches on my own, but I’m kind of excited about trying the different options.
Back to breakfast.

Those eggs – look at the gorgeous orange yolk.

The eggs are small so I poached three, but “OH MY!” – so good.
I also roasted one of the potatoes.
Fresh eggs, a just picked roast potato, bacon and a slice of my own bread…

A bit of Dixon (Dixon, MT) cantaloupe for dessert = a wonderful midweek breakfast.

The green tomatoes, one almost ripe tomato and fresh basil…visions of a caprese salad dance in my head.
Happy Wednesday!