I typically cook on the road like I do at home. I love my RV kitchen – the propane cooktop is wonderful. Most RVrs cannot stand the propane oven, but I have no issue with it and make bread, crackers, pizza and even pie with no problems. But, to each their own!
Often, I do prep some things for when I’m driving several days in a row and also working before and/or after the day’s drive – which is the case for this Friday-Saturday-Sunday. AND, I had some things that store more compactly when cooked so this morning:

Chipotle-Tomato-beef sauce, broccoli, cauliflower and chicken breasts were popped into the oven very early and then into the refrigerator to cool.
The broccoli and cauliflower are in mason jars to be used as side dishes or quick snacks.

The sauce and chicken are packed in single serving snack zips and then a larger zip and in the freezer. I started freezing single servings of sauce, meat, rice, beans, fruit and vegetables about 6 months ago and really like that I can pull out what I want for what I feel like eating. That kind of de-constructed freezing instead of freezing a specific meal lets me make soup, pasta, tacos or burrito, etc. The little zips thaw enough fairly fast to allow emptying them into a sauce pan to warm. And I don’t have a huge amount of leftover whatever that MUST BE EATEN whether it sounds good or not. Again, to each their own…leftovers once is fine, after that I mostly am ready for something different.
Tonight, there was enough “leftover” sauce and broccoli that did not fit in the containers to make my supper.

Some spaghetti squash is hiding under the sauce so it was squash with tomato beef sauce, roast broccoli and a bit of pecorino-romano with some crusty bread..
Food for the road and for the last supper before hitting the road. We roll tomorrow!