But with sunset at 4:53 and the sun at a low southern arc… it was perfect light to catch the waxing Gibbous in the still blue and dusky sky with the fading sun’s rays lighting the snow on the trees.
It was -3F when I got up this morning just after 5:00 a.m. By 8:00, it was -8 … almost -9F before it started warming up.
Thankfully, the wind had calmed and I’m guessing the plows worked through the night because the road report looked a great deal better this morning than last night.
Shortly before 10:00 a.m., figuring the “go to work” folks were mostly AT work, Bear and I headed to town for a few grocery items. We stopped at the dump on the way. This particular dump is situated a bit south of the southern end of Flathead Lake.
The sun and the mist rising from the lake made for some beautiful scenes:
As I was sitting and looking and taking photos, I was reminded of a January day in 2003 when I took photos with my very first digital camera: A Canon Digital Elph. It was 4F and I took several photos of the house and property I owned at the time and then used Canon’s “stich” software to make them a panorama photo. I use this panorama as a header on my work website ( www.beardogco.com ). I still love the result and remember with absolute clarity, snowshoeing up to the spot to take the photos, with Karl alongside. It is a good memory.
The forecast was correct: cold, windy…COLD and WINDY!
But clear skies and sun that sparkled in the trees…
And Wind that blew the snow off the trees.
Auggie watched.
He wanted out and I did let him out several times after the temperature hit 12F. But, I kept an eye on him and a timer. He came in before the timer all three times.
It is COLD and WINDY!
Lots of the little nuthatches out and about and they gave Auggie something to watch.
And you can see how thick his coat is. Like Bear, he has a double coat.
Although, the wind direction is such that we are mostly in its shadow, every so often a gust swirls down bringing snow off the trees: tree avalanche.
And despite the blue sky…it is COLD and WINDY.
Bear and I had several walks. Short walks. But, he still took a moment for a look from Beardog Point.
Inside…a bit of baking.
More on this bread another time, but if you have ever been to Della Fattoria in Petaluma, this is my version of their signature bread: Meyer Lemon – Rosemary Campagne Boule. I’ve never tasted the original, but mine looked right and the taste … out of this world, good! (***this is my second loaf. The first, I made yesterday (Sunday) was gone in a flash!)
I think somewhere in the neighborhood of 10 inches of snow fell. It was 30-31F on the ground so the snow compacted as it fell.
The new snow thrower … my neighbor called it my “mini-tank” and I like that!! – had a good time. I was plenty tired when done, but took the advice of the salesman and had an easier time this round. The track drive is great traction, it is also a bit more work turning when doing some of the tighter spots like around the mailbox. All in all, though, with the heavy snow I still got all done in 2 hours with a 20 minute break at the halfway point so not bad at all. (I did miss seeing the big yellow backhoe, though … such a cheery machine!)
The temperature started dropping about noon. I can hear the wind high in the trees, but it is from the NNE so at ground level, we are in a wind shadow from Jewell Basin. Being in the wind shadow is a good thing. It is to be very windy and very cold tonight and very cold until Thursday.
Bear, Auggie and I enjoyed a bit of outside time today while it was still relatively balmy.
Scenes from a Snow day follow. The bird is a nuthatch…Auggie had his eye on it, but got tired of sitting in the snow, thankfully!