The week ended well: good work completed, decisions made on some pending items and BEAUTIFUL weather!
We are currently full on Spring. There will no doubt be brief bouts of Winterish weather, because this is Montana, but mostly the weather is behaving like Spring.
I’ll spare you a close up…

… Auggie the hunter with the day’s “catch”.

Even on sunny, Spring days…afternoon naps are required…
This weekend….this weekend was an outdoor chore weekend. My outdoor chore list has been growing for weeks and this weekend there were no excuses for any more procrastinating.
I started yesterday (Saturday) with the roof. Specifically with blowing the pine needles off the roof. The battery(s) of my blower and my back made it through 2/3 of the roof as well as a bit of raking up of the downfall.
And I put up the doorway split screens.
And did a serious vacuum/floor cleanup – that was inside, but still a chore!
And then I said enough and planned my supper and a long soak in my stock tank hot tub.

The beginnings of my sustenance for Sunday’s chores: poached eggs over sautéed kale and bacon with some pumpernickel toast.
Not in the photo…a lemon sticky bun.
The rest of the house roof and the garage roof were cleaned. All downfall was raked up and dumped on the burn pile.
I had a shower.
Since the motorhome was moved away from the garage so as not to be covered with the garage blow off…I took it to town for a fill of propane and fuel.
And then I said “Done”.

We enjoyed a beautiful Sunday afternoon. (Auggie is barely visible just to the right of the big tree)

Happy Day!
***Edit: I also put out the wasp/hornet traps…the early traps to catch the queens…