In the spirit of the season: New life

A little over 2 weeks ago, I set the Greek Oregano seeds in the “orange” jar…

Weekend before last, I set the remaining jars: Parsley (yellow), Basil (blue) and Cilantro (red-pink).


Honestly…I didn’t have much hope that the few seeds in the packet would ever do anything… the limited sun, the low temperatures…

BUT! – I monitored and spritzed water and spoke lovingly to the seedlings….


A SPROUT in the Greek Oregano!

New Life!

In the spirit of the Easter season…NEW Life!

3 Responses to “In the spirit of the season: New life”

  1. Mike neighbor

    This is nice. I can leave a comment now on your site. My first comment is: “Nice pics!” as usual. :)

  2. Sonia A. Mascaro

    The colour of the jars with Parsley, Basil and Cilantro are beautiful!.
    I am glad they are growing! Save the New Life!

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