Archive for ‘June 19th, 2016’

Every day is a gift

Yet another horrifying week. Prayers for all of the loss.

A recent work of fiction in a mystery series I read contained the question something along the line of “What would it take to stop this?” That question has come to my mind often these past weeks.

I’ve lately been reading a number of books about the World War I and II era – from the Great Britain and French perspective. I cannot help but see the parallels and it is pretty awful. At the time – especially pre-WWII/post WWI (the Great War) there was no idea what a Hitler/Mussolini world might be like. And there was a huge feeling of “let us not have another great war”. I have to wonder if we are in yet another time of naiveté.

And so, how do we go on? How do we live in our place in the world?

For me and mine, the choice is to look at each day as a gift.

A day with growing things.

A day with sunshine through the trees.

The first sweet cherries of the year!

A roll in the grass – dear Bear.

A peaceful Sunday: every day is a gift.