Archive for ‘July, 2016’


Bee balm, but I call them “the court jester flowers” because they look like the silly hats that court jesters wore.

I love these flowers – they make me laugh!

They have been missing the last two summers and I was happily surprised this afternoon to see them in the woods.

They are not the only jesters…

Auggie is a big time jester!

Bear likes to tease also.


The benefit of beauty

If a problem is fixable, if a situation is such that you can do something about it, then there is no need to worry. If it’s not fixable, then there is no help in worrying. There is no benefit in worrying whatsoever. – His Holiness The Dalai Lama XIV

One of the things that helps me most with the above quote is that somewhere I saw (and heard) a video of His Holiness The Dalai Lama XIV saying the words. His calm and peaceful spirit shines through those words and I hear his voice speaking them whenever I read the quote to myself. I have the words at the top of the spreadsheet I use for my daily time and task tracking so I see it often through my work days.

And then, to help, when despite those words, worry about something threatens to overwhelm…

“Whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable – if anything is excellent or praiseworthy – think about such things. […] And the God of peace will be with you.” Verse 9

Corn: on and off the cob

I have no business saying that it has gotten “hot” again … 80’s daytime, 50’s overnight and while not as dry as the southwest, there is little humidity here. As parts east and south are REALLY hot with high humidity, I should be grateful for 80’s. And I am! But in “all’s relative world”, it feels hot.

It is sweet corn season and usually I would boil or bake corn. Enter another use for the electric pressure cooker (see Pasta in the Pressure Cooker ) which adds no heat to the kitchen, cooks things tout suite and is easy to clean up.

Yes, I made one lonely ear of corn.

When I went to the grocery, it was late afternoon and there were 4 ears of corn left on the big table that holds the sweet corn. This was the only one of the 4 that looked like it might be ok.

It was more than ok: 1 cup water, 2 minutes at pressure, quick release and it was perfect.

Yesterday, after the sweet corn supply was replenished – 3 ears: 1 cup of water per cob, 2 minutes at pressure, quick release. My cobs had partial husk as in the husk had been trimmed up so you could see several rows of corn and the heavy silk at the end was removed. The remaining husk and silk fell off the corn – no muss, no fuss!

I had 1/2 an ear of corn for my lunch and cut off the kernels from the remaining cobs for a supper recipe which I highly recommend : Smitten Kitchen’s Corn, Bacon and Parmesan Pasta

Next up: corn broth.

I put the kernel-less cobs back in the cooking water, added more water and cooked 20 minutes at low pressure, natural release and then strained…

Beautiful, beautiful corn broth! Corn broth has a slightly sweet, corn-y taste that makes a wonderful soup base. Most of this I’ll freeze for another time, but I just might make one bowl of some sort of soup for tonight’s supper.

Stay cool wherever you are and Happy Wednesday!