Wintry weather has been mostly a tease of light flurries and not very cold temperatures. Although, it has been colder on the valley floor, at my house we’ve had maybe 3 nights in the 20’s but otherwise no hard freezing. The ground is not frozen so when it does flurry, it melts right away.

Winter weather in the forecast.
Snow and cold. Very cold.
I am hope, hope hoping to soon have enough snow to snowshoe in the woods.

The snow started.

But at the moment, it is still above freezing at 35F.
And then it stopped snowing so we all went out to see what we could see.

Auggie found a critter hole on Beardog hill.

After some time peering into the hole, he retreated to a perch to keep an eye on the front door.

Then some “help” from Bear…

Oh, well.