Weather delay
We are under Severe Thunderstorm Watch. That is a thunderstorm. I know it kind of looks like there is rotation, but I don’t think so. And that is rain coming down straight and hard. I also saw some spectacular cloud to ground lightning.
Bear and I were in the Jeeper coming back from picking up our CSA share. A wild afternoon/evening was forecast and I was keeping an eye on the Doppler all day.
It has been in the upper 80’s. A strong cold front was to whoosh through – colliding with the heat and WHAM! So now it is whamming. Thunder roars and we stay indoors!
At my house, it is just rumbling so far but getting closer and the power has been blipping off and on so I’m shutting down, pulling the plug and moving more interior-ly than my office in the sunroom.
CSA report later or tomorrow due to weather delay.