The weather outside is frightful…

After a week of mid 80’s F, we went back to 90’s, although thankfully low 90’s so far. But 90’s are the forecast future and NOAA says that next week it might go to upper 90’s.


And no rain.

The no rain is typical, and the string of 90’s days is not unheard of but still, not quite typical. And certainly unwelcome!

The wet spring caused grasses and underbrush kind of things to grow and grow and grow. And now they are dead, dead, dead.

Which means they are fire fuel.


But the good news is that Lower Valley Farm – my farmer – has summer vegetables kicking in with a vengeance.

From last week’s haul:

A colorful slaw of red cabbage, rainbow carrots and purple onion.

Red raspberries on sourdough waffles!

Beetza-Beetza!! A pizza with slices of roast beets, drizzled with olive oil, and then roast Romanesco and some cheese. I could do worse for a mid-week supper.

Salmon, sliced cucumber, fresh raspberries – dinner heaven. I drizzled a light sesame oil vinaigrette over the cucumber.

Stuffed Patty Pan squash. The stuffing was hot smoked salmon, purple onion, asiago, mayo and a bit of monterrey jack.

Stuffed zucchini. Stuffing = a tomato-beef-Italian sausage sauce and some cheddar-mjack mix for cheese. Baked potato wedges for a side.

Week 11’s bounty: green onion, purple onion, lacinto kale, lettuce mix, basil, rainbow carrots, cucumber slicer, broccoli, zucchini, patty pan.

Extras purchased: another patty pan, red beets and TOMATOES!!!

The weather outside is frightful.

But the air conditioned inside is delightful.
