March: Meteorological Spring :)
March. Meteorological Spring. Did anyone tell Mother Nature?
This morning, March 3, started at -14F.
Still, we had an unusually mild and snow free early Winter. REAL Winter did not arrive until nearly the end of January. But then it came and it has stayed.
HOO-RAH! Not only did we get a good amount of snow but it has stayed mostly below freezing so the snow we got is in great condition. The thaw thing that often happens leads to treacherous walking conditions. We have had some “bad driving days” mostly due to wind and blowing snow.
At my house, there is currently 2 feet of settled snow. I haven’t made my usual “duck, duck goose paths” as Emmett is capable of negotiating the deep stuff and LOVES it. We walk along the game trails so do have some trodden paths which I’ve widened and compacted via snowshoeing. I shovel the walk to the garage, a path to the firewood, a path around the house. The driveway and turnaround I’ve been able to clear with the snow thrower plus 1 plow hire and 1 neighbor help of the end of driveway/country plow detritus clearing.
There was a 10 day time frame with enough snow nearly every day that required something and I WILL admit to getting tired of that almost daily routine. Caveat … the snow clearing PLUS the Emmett walking/playing in deep snow is almost over the top for me :) …. but FUN!! ***work might have suffered a little …
Emmett was 1 year old on February 12: officially a dog! Unofficially, there is still a lot of puppy in his sweet self :)
As noted in many previous posts, my Instagram (see feed at right) tells our daily story … and the Instagram Story feature includes a lot of minutiae. I LOVE the Instagram Story ability, but if you want access, you do need to have an Instagram Account: your account can be private and you need never post 1 thing, but you do need to have an account and then follow me to see the stories. That’s where we will mostly be.