On Aging Gracefully: PASSION!
“From CBS Sunday morning: Barbara Van Cleve is 84, born and bred in Montana, and she still runs cattle with the best. She is also a photographer with a passion for chronicling the ranching life she learned as a child, especially the lives of ranch women. Barry Petersen reports.”
I want to be Barbara Van Cleve’s BFF! Because … she is passionate about ranching, horses and photography! Passion being the key word. I am always drawn to people who are passionate about some good thing. I do not know Barbara except via a short CBS Sunday morning video. But she is a person who LIVES. To me …. a hero, a role model, a reminder that no matter how things are in my life, for myself to always return to those things that I love.
THAT – living life with passion, with heart – THAT is living the God given life and I hope, hope, hope that I NEVER forget that!