Autumn: I love Autumn :)
The best thing about Summer is Autumn comes next!
So, I guess meteorological Autumn started 9/1, but the Autumnal Equinox was Monday (9/23) and 1 day into Autumn we have a Winter Storm warning: hard freeze, wind, cold and snow are forecast for Friday and Saturday.
On 9/12, the full moon and clear skies had me down to road to see sunset and moonrise.

And this week, with the forecast of a Winter storm, I have been getting firewood situated, hoses drained, everything that should not freeze prepped and brought inside. I have a list to be completed by Friday morning.
But today, Tuesday … a gray, gloomy morning turned sunny and we enjoyed!

I am over the moon with how well Emmett is doing off leash and that we are now able to enjoy all being outside in the yard: chasing grasshoppers, chewing on sticks, just being together outside – HEAVEN!

We had a spectacular day. Tomorrow is supposed to be sunny before things start segueing towards the Friday night/Saturday Winter weather. Meanwhile, we will enjoy and prepare.