Gorgeous Autumn and back to work
I was told last Monday that I would have a new contract with my “bread and butter” client. I don’t have it yet, but we are back to work tomorrow and hopefully all will be “signed, sealed and delivered” this week!

Crazy! July 1-October 21. Nothing played out as I was told. Process was beyond frustrating. A large part of the challenge was that I was not able to speak to 2 of my best friends: my work colleagues … to avoid collusion in the process. Outside of my work group, I do not have any “tech” buddies as in people with who I can discuss programming and tech gadgets/paradigms. So, in addition to the frustrating process, I felt somewhat isolated from the technical. Not completely, as I was doing some other work and learning in conjunction with another consultant … we just had to avoid discussion of the process details. But, the need to be careful in communication so as to avoid even the appearance of collusion … it was a bit of a strain.

Thankfully, hopefully, over.
And I will say that 95% of the time, I was in a good place of enjoying a different routine, enjoying a VERY relaxed schedule, enjoying exploring “what if” the contract did not happen and just enjoying what turned out to be a very pleasant summer and despite 2 “Winter storms”, a gorgeous start to Autumn.

The things that helped keep me in the good place: Auggie and Emmett and time outside with them!!!, the opportunity to learn some new things, a few RV visitors that got me talking about everything and Phillipians 4:6

Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God which surpasses all understanding will keep your heart and mind in Christ Jesus.

And then 4:8
Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.

And now, here we are.
The owl was right. Well, I knew all would be well. What I didn’t know was what shape “well” would take and that is the uncertainty that in those 5% of the time … the kind of panic time … was difficult.

And overall, really, the worst case was not life threatening to any of us (Auggie, Emmett and me). There were and are fall back options.
I learned an incredible amount of things that I thought I knew :)

But primarily: count my blessings, enjoy what I have and my dear cat and dog and the beauty of where I am: EVERY.SINGLE.DAY.
And be grateful, always.
4 Responses to “Gorgeous Autumn and back to work”
That is extremely good news and I hope everything will be back on track regarding work from this week.
The boys will miss their extra time with you…
Thank you, Margaret! A good first day and first meeting and I do believe all will be as I hoped. The boys … well, they ALWAYS come first and we are in a natural, seasonal, schedule adjustment: less daylight hours and late morning plus early afternoon long walks with short outings in the dark o’clock hours. Right now, sunrise is 8:00 ish and sunset 6:30 ish and we have 60 days to go before the dark hours peak! I have some inside training things to do to compensate and breaks with Emmett and/or Auggie are part of my work day so I think they will be ok :)
Such good new, Liz. These photos are wonderful–the lighting is striking.
Have a great week!
Thank you, Steph and for your always support and encouragement. First day: a GREAT day!! Yes, the Autumn light is pretty spectacular!
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