Lesson(s) in humility (and patience)
I was back to work in late October and able to submit an invoice on November 1.
But, some glitches.
AND … here we are the week before Thanksgiving and I am skint! No cash for turkey :) !!! A large receivable …
Thanks to my local bank, who I have banked with here in Montana for 25 years … a small bridge loan with the Jeeper (17 year old Jeep … good grief!) as collateral, I will have turkey money on Monday.

And, I have news that the glitches re my invoice might be resolved as well … pending key persons being NOT on “vacation” pre-TDay.
Still … it looks to be that all will be resolved by early December latest.
Good grief.

I have had embarrassing and somewhat humbling/humiliating conversations with my creditors. Thankfully, 44 years of good behavior has paid off and to a “man” (bank, etc.) they have all said: “oh, a one off, we trust you”.

Still … RATS! Mostly, I am mad at myself. At the start of the hiatus, I believed in the 30 days and continued on my normal path. Many things I could have/should have done differently.
Water under the bridge.

I cannot change the past.
What I CAN do is learn from it … hopefully!!

And never fear … my pantry is full of food for me, for Emmett and Auggie. No one is going without.

But, I do know and maybe now better understand, what many, many people … without the resources I have … might be experiencing. It gives me a new perspective on food insecurity, housing insecurity … INSECURITY in general. It is not a comfortable place to be.
Maybe I needed to learn a lesson in insecurity that I did not think I needed to learn.

Perspective changed.
I hope some lesson(s) learned.
This Thanksgiving will have meaning unlike any Thanksgivings in my past.
2 Responses to “Lesson(s) in humility (and patience)”
I hope all three of you have a blessed Thanksgiving!
And, yes… you gained a different perspective.
I’ve been there – doing without with a family of 5 plus multiple pets. We survived and now give to others.
I hope you and the boys had a great Thanksgiving! Good financial behaviour over the years pays off because people do trust you, but I hope you get your money soon.
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