First week of December
Good grief … last week was Thanksgiving weekend and here we are just a wee bit over 2 weeks until Christmas!
Life is now back to our normal :) … as in working, being paid timely (all is caught up and resolved YEA!!!) and we had a scrumptious Thanksgiving dinner of turkey and stuff … AND hung stockings and decked halls.

That UCLA Bruin was a gift from friends many years ago. It has survived Karl, Gus, Bob, Bear and now Auggie and Emmett…

… hopefully. Emmett has “borrowed” it from under the tree on several many occasions. Thankfully, no harm done to the Bruin. I sent a photo to my coworkers who both attended UCLA … wondering how it had survived all of these years, and received this reply:
It has survived because it is ‘Bruin Strong’.
Go Bruins! Fight! Fight! Fight!
I believe I have mentioned that I love my work group and am very grateful for the team that I work with. And am grateful for work that I love that allows me to live in a place that I love and enjoy the outdoors with my pets!

So … the weather ??? After an early start to Winter … in September … some snow, some cold and now it is warm-ish but gray and low cloud deck.

So we start the dark mornings with coffee and electric fire …

…and general togetherness.

But the length of the dark mornings often leads to a bit of pestering play :)
This week, though… a new toy for outside time:

Although I played softball into my 40’s: third and then first base … my throwing acumen has seriously degenerated.
Emmett LOVES to play fetch.
So, this launch toy. It is great fun! I’m not sure which of us has more fun.

The ring goes a good distance, but it does float! Emmett is still learning about how it goes, compared to a stick or the throw toys we have played with.

I hope to take some video!

Meanwhile, we enjoy some spectacular color: snow up high, dark cloud background and some gold from a sun trying to break through…

Good, good times enjoying the work and play routine … the holiday vibes and just generally being beyond grateful that all has worked out to continue as we were.
2 Responses to “First week of December”
Such a lovely post and photos. I’m glad everything has worked out for you. Have a great Advent.
Thank you, Margaret and a good Advent to you as well :)
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