Earth Day 2020: in the time of COVID-19
United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres stated:

Earth Day 2020: in the time of COVID-19.
“the biggest test the world has faced since the Second World War”
We, those of us alive now, in the time of COVID-19, have an opportunity to do great things … to be stoic and responsible and educated regarding the science of both COVID-19 and Climate Change.
We, those of us alive now, in the time of COVID-19, have NEVER had our lives or our livelihoods threatened in the way that generations were tested during WWII.
Will WE be up to the challenge? Will we “make do and mend”? Will we be responsible, i.e. STAY HOME, wear masks when we must go out … irrespective of regulations … WILL WE look to the science and make responsible decisions for ourselves and for others?

I hope so. For tomorrow and for the children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren of today’s humans.

At my house, I’ve been up … down … normal-ish and everything in between. I have work and food and the ability to get outside in the sunshine and fresh air, but sometimes, the heartbreak of health care workers and sick people and out of work people and people suffering food insecurity … it can be overwhelming.
I do what I am able to support others.

It is NOT just COVID-19 … climate change, global warming, carbon emissions… We MUST listen to Earth if we hope to have her as home.
Earth Day 2020: in the time of COVID-19.