Making adjustments
After writing yesterday’s post and reflecting on the video ( an interesting interview ), I thought: Huh. Maybe I need a better or different schedule to help me counter the COVID-19 distraction thing: why did I come here, difficulty getting started on work, a “would like to do list” that shows no progress, etc., etc.
In the video, Scott Kelly suggests setting a schedule. I do that, but I allow flexibility. I decided last night that possibly I allow too much flexibility given the current circumstances where I am likely to be distracted [in my head] and kind of gaga…
Starting this morning, I am trying a RIGID schedule with timers and alarms and Good Grief … JUST do it!!
It is a whole … approximately 6 hours since I started this and so far it is working well. We’ll see how things progress, but my thought was that if I put pen to paper (metaphorically) with tasks and times and alarms, etc., I would have a better chance of staying on track.
And the crazy thing, well so far, in the infancy of this implementation … what has happened is that I HAVE accomplished things timely and I feel so good about that and I have been able to [mostly] put COVID-19 OUT.OF.MY.MIND. … HOO … I say HOO-RAH :)
Today …

I think/hope that I am on the right track to get my routine back on track.
Because …. Buck up buttercup, we have a ways to go!
And, of course, we always put time in the schedule for getting outside, playing and walking and just enjoying the beauty around, breathing fresh air and being very grateful for all of the good things despite challenging circumstances.

Making adjustments and finding beauty in each day.
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2 Responses to “Making adjustments”
Interesting idea. Maybe I should try something similar. I have been communicating with my friends and my family here and in NZ and we all have this problem – the Covid Inertia…
I do have plenty of things I could be doing.
Day 1.5 … it continues to work well for me.
Yes, I think a lot of us are struggling with inertia – good luck if you decide to try something and let me know what works for you!
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